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BIOLOGY (Period 5) Assignments

Kathy May
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
In this class we will learn about life! We will learn about many of the cool processes that occur in our bodies and our environment. It's magical!

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HI Students, here is your guide of what to study for the MUTATIONS final:
1. know what a substitution/point mutation is
2. given a DNA sequence, be able to identify a point/substitution/frameshift mutation would look like
3. know what a frameshift mutation is and also insertion and or deletion
4. know what a silent mutation is
5. know what causes sickle cell anemia and what it is exactly and be able identify under what circumstances the sickle cell trait would be beneficial
6. know how to use the genetic code table to translate codons into amino acids
7. know some of the causes of DNA/chromosome mutations
8. know how inserting an early stop codon could affect the resulting protein
9. know the various types of chromosome mutations, and be able to identify them in a diagram.....inversion/deletion/translocation/duplication
10. know what non-disjunction is and when it can occur, and how it can lead to monosomy or trisomy
11. know the general causes of Down's Syndrome
12. know what progeria is
13. know what cystic fibrosis is
14. know what turners syndrome is
15. know what Williams syndrome is
16. know about albinism
17. know general info about achondroplasia
18. know what Klinefelters syndrome is
19. know about Cri du chat
there may be a few other disorders, I will let you know, the questions relating to the genetic disorders, will be simple and just require that you pay attention during the presentations



Please finish the milk makes me sick prelab questions



here is the Enzyme power point



Please read pages 978-984 and do questions 1-5 plus focus on the big idea page 984



hi Students please read pages 49-53 and do questions 1-5 on page 53, be sure to do the reading and check out the diagrams :)



here is the photosynthesis power point for you



Hi students please read pages 200-203 in your book and do questions 1-5 on pages 203. THEN please read pages 204-207 and do questions 1-5 on page 207. Also I am attaching the study guide for the final exam, this will be collected the day of the final.



please work on study guide for prok/euk/virus test



HI Guys here is your homework, this one is on Viruses, be sure to do all of the reading and pay attention to the "lytic" and "lysogenic" cycles of viral reproduction on page 481!
HW- read pages 478-483 and do Questions 1-5 AnD do the "focus on the big idea" structure and function question as well.



Hi Students, your homework for tonight is to read pages 470-477 and answer questions 1-6 and "Thinking Visually" on page 477



Hi Students please complete the front side of the Prokaryote worksheet given to you in class today, you may finish the back side of the worksheet too, as it will be due the Monday we come back from the thanksgiving break (Nov. 28th). But only the front side (the coloring activity) will be due the 22nd



Hi students, your homework tonight is to read pages 168-173 do questions 2-5 PLUS the thinking visually question
STUDENTS who were absent on Tuesday, here is the link to the video that you need to watch and write down 10 concepts from the video, (detailed and clear concepts)



Hi Students, here is list of guidelines for what to study for the Organelles test.
Please know the functions of the following organelles/cell parts. In case you are not sure where to find this info, you can look in your: book, homework, worksheets, PowerPoint (attached a few weeks ago), Powerpoint notes that were attached a few weeks ago, notes taken during presentations, Organelles activity from Monday the 24th of October, and the wonderful internet :)
-cell wall
-cell membrane
-nuclear membrane
-vacuoles (both in plant cells and animal cells)
-both rough and smooth Endoplasmic reticulum
-Golgi bodies or Golgi apparatus or Golgi complex
-Please know what each of the above organelles cell parts look like and be able to identify them in a cell
-please know which organelles/cell parts can only be found in plant cells
-please know what the mitochondria uses to make ATP and what the waste product of this process is
-please know that the above process is known as cellular respiration
-please know the chain of events that happen from the nucleus to the Golgi in terms of the manufacture of proteins
-know the difference between how the vacuole functions in a plant cell vs. an animal cell
-please know what a vesicle is and how it can be formed in the cell
-please know where DNA and RNA can be found, and which of these will leave the nucleus to provide the code for the making of proteins



HI students, your homework is to complete the worksheet on organelles I gave you in class on Thursday, you can use your book, the internet, or the attached notes as references.
Also, please print out a copy of the attached notes and bring them to class with you in your folder :)



Hi Students! For tonight's homework please read pages 174-181 and please answer questions 1-5 on page 181. Also, please bring your book to class with you this week :)
Also, bring a white poster board/paper thingy (the thinner ones you can find at Michaels or Staples) the same size as I showed you in class today



what to know for tomorrow's test:
1. semi- permeable
2. what makes up the cell membrane (phospholipid bilayer, hydrophilic heads etc)
3. the difference between active and passive transport
4. diffusion, osmosis
5. hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic
6. endocytosis, pinocytosis, phagocytosis
7. a few questions related to the scientific method
8. there will be several scenarios that will require you to apply these concepts to real life situations. So it is important that you fully study and understand the concepts so you can apply the information.
ALSO: please read pages 182-189 and do questions 1-6 on page 189



Hi Students your homework for tonight is to complete side one of the worksheet on osmosis and diffusion given to you in class



Please complete the diffusion and osmosis worksheet I gave in you class today



HI Students please complete the "Interpreting graphs and English Usage" worksheet given to you in class today, both sides



Hi Students, please finish the "Nature of Science" worksheet that was given to you in class today



Hi Students, for tonight's homework please read pages 22-28 and answer questions 1-5 on page 28.



Hi Students, for tonight's homework, please read pages 14-22 in your book and answer questions 1-6 on page 22.



Hi Students, the homework due on Tuesday is to finish the "How was Penicillin Discovered" worksheet.



Hi your homework tonight is to complete the worksheet I gave you in class.
It is called "Understanding the Components of an Experiment" also please finish the worksheet given to you on Friday "Scientific Method: How can a causal Question be answered?"



Hi Students! For tonight's homework please read pages 8-14 in your book and answer questions 1-5 on page 14



Hi! for tonight's homework please complete the worksheet given to you in class today "Identify the controls and variables" (the Simpson w.s.)



Hi tonight your homework is to get the science donation from your parents and bring it to class Friday :) Thanks!!



Hi ! Please finish "Getting to know you" I will be collecting it tomorrow :) Also remember the science donation is due on Friday. Have a good evening!



Hi Students! Your assignment tonight is to do 2 things:
1) Please give the donation letter to your parents and have them read it
2) Read pages 2-7 in your book then please do questions 1-5 in the section assessment (1-1, page 7) and do the "Asking questions" for figure 1-5 and figure 1-6 (basically there are some pictures with little captions to read and then a question at the end; your job is to answer those questions)



Greetings and welcome to Biology
1. Your first homework assignment will be to find a current event or past event related to Science. It can be related to the environment or medicine or any subject that has to do with science. Then please write up a 1/2 (that's one-half) page summary IN YOUR OWN OWN WORDS. Now to me "in your own words" means that you read the whole article first then break it down and explain it in your own words. I think two paragraphs would be a good way to organize your summary. The first paragraph should summarize the topic or issue (where, who, what, why and when) and in the second paragraph, give your own commentary/opinion and tell why people should be aware of this topic/issue
2. Also....finish your note card (name and interesting fact on one side and colored, creative drawing on the other side)
3. Cover your book and write your name in it too.
4. Have your folks read and sign the classroom guidelines page I gave you in class today.
5. Get a "notebook" just for this class and this class alone