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APES!! (Period 3456) Assignments

Kathy May
Fall 2017
This is AP Environmental Science. In this class we will learn how this earth works and how we can become conscious stewards of the EARTH. LOVE THE EARTH!

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Hello all, for the homework please read and comprehend the following pages in your book: pages 50 to 60. Then please respond to the following questions.
1. Can you please define ecology in your own words.
2. Please put the following in the correct order from the most specific to the most general:
-organism, ecosystem, biosphere, population, community
3. What are some of the important functions that bacteria have on this Earth?
4. Why is the recycling of matter an important part of what sustains life on earth?
5. Looking at the section on page 54 called What Happens to Solar Energy...." how much of the suns energy that reaches the earth plays a part in photosynthesis?
6. In the following phrase, identify both the biotic and abiotic factors " Low phosphorus (a nutrient) content in soil limits the growth of vegetation"
7. What are limiting factors? What would be one important limiting factor for a farmer who was planting corn? What would be the main limiting factor in the desert? 
8. Chose any biome or ecosystem and name it, then tell one likely limiting factor specific to that biome.
9. Where would you find the process of chemosynthesis taking place?
**** I am attaching the power point presentation for this chapter....so you can see ahead of time what we will be talking about.expand description



HI everybody! hw is below
-First, read this: http://www.livescience.com/23026-global-warming-changing-world.html
I mean click on the link and then read ALL of the info :)
-Next pick two of the events listed (there are 8 total) and conduct further research on each of the three events using the links provided in the short explanation given or your book (ch 20) Find out more information and elaborate on what was mentioned in the news piece. For each of the two events, write up a paragraph on your findings....include the website you used. Paragraphs should be at least five sentences and should not just repeat the info given in the original news piece. To recap, that's a total of two complete, well-written paragraphs, use only your own words, and feel free to add commentary. Short paragraphs that are not original will not be considered for points.



For this assignment you will continue to answer questions about biomes,
see chapter 5 for reference and you can always use the Internet to find answers
1. How do the various herbivore species in the Savanna ecosystem
reduce competition when it comes to eating?
2. In the tropical rain forest, there are 5 "layers" that describe differences in vegetation, can you please tell me a bit about the "top" layer and the "bottom" layer?
3. Compare/contrast the soil in the tropical rainforest with the soil in the
temperate deciduous forest.
4. Which biome would one find "conifers" in?
5.Read the case study on page 364 "OIL AND ANWR" and do some research on the ARCTIC WILDLIFE REFUGE....What is it, where is it? What characteristics of the tundra make this biome especially sensitive to human interference? What types of human activities would be taking place if we were to open this place up to drilling for oil? What do we use oil for anyway? What types of actions can we humans take to reduce our use of petroleum (aka oil) products?
6. Research the BARK BEETLE by reading the following article
give me two interesting facts from the article about what is happening to our
nations forests. This is a bit of a review



Hi! for tonight's homework, you will continue to answer questions about biomes, see chapter 5 for reference and you can always use the Internet to find answers.

Back to chapter 5, revisit pages 114 up to page 124. Then please answer the following questions.
1. give a brief description, or sketch describing/showing where in the world the following biomes are found.
tropical savanna, tropical rainforest, deciduous forest, boreal forest, tundra, you will need to be able to identify where these biomes are on a world map.
2. What is the biome type that would most likely be found at the top of a tall mountain?
3. What are two adaptations of tropical rain forest plants?
4. Give a few general characteristics of tropical rainforests.
5. Why are the desert biome and the tundra biome particularly sensitive to human destruction?
6.  Describe lichen and tell which biomes it would be found in.
7.  What are some of the conditions that plants in the Arctic tundra have to put up with?
8.. In between which two biomes can a grassland generally be found?
9. What is another name for a Chaparral biome?
10. How does fire affect the Chaparral biome?



here is the fall final study guide! this will not be collected! 



. We are going to tackle a couple of biomes, so please browse through pages 105-114. Then please respond to the following questions
1. Differentiate between tropical and temperate grasslands.....include the following in your response, where each is located, a unique bit of information about each biome, the temperature and precipitation of each, which type of grassland has the best, most rich soil and why?
2. How does fire benefit a grassland ecosystem (google this if need be)
3. What are two major ways humans are negatively impacting the grassland biome?
4. Why is it that deserts can be so hot during the day and yet so cold at night? (page 108)
5. Can you please describe three adaptations of desert plants....
6. Really what is it that defines a desert most?
7. What is "offroading" and why is it particularly destructive in a desert ecosystem? okay your done for now :)
please put a lot of effort and thought into your responses



hi! here is the biome power point presentation



Hi Students please peruse through pages 105-124 in your text, feel free to read these pages in full as well. You will need the info in these pages to answer the following questions

1. Well we know the tropical rainforest has the most density of species of any biome in the world, first of all, what drives this incredible speciation there? Also, relating still to this biome, the most popular form of deforestation there is slash and burn, why do you think this method of deforestation is so popular there? Feel free to conduct additional research to back up or provide evidence for your response.

2. Well, slash and burn deforestation is good for planting crops for a season or two, but then it really becomes unsustainable, what characteristics of the rainforest make this such an unsustainable method of farming, explain.

3.Thinking back to when we learned about what ecosystem services are, If you are trying to convince a poor farmer in the amazon why he should not practice slash and burn deforestation, explain what services are provided by the rainforest that indeed benefit the whole planet and the local area.

4. There is a mammal that lives in the tropics (and other biomes as well) that has been given a really bad rap (as a matter of fact this mammal's popularity spikes right around the end of October each year) please convince me why I should re-think my disdain for this mammal, still keeping in mind the concept of ecosystem services.

5. Well, grasslands as we know, are where the buffalo roam, and well, some other especially popular domesticated animals now roam there too, hey as an expert ecologist, tell me why I should think twice about consuming this "other popular domestic animal".

6. This biome is also called the CONE-iferous forest ( I know I spelled it wrong) and it is for-real, what is it called?

7. Of all the abiotic factors that influence the types and adaptations of plants and animals in a biome, what do you think would be number one, light or amount of rainfall? Defend your position with researchable facts.



El NINO Activity (this is for a class activity it is NOT homework) Do not take any action, this is for class use
here is the link to the el nino/la nina animation as well



1. Finish Build a Model of Global Air Movement Lab"
2. This homework deals with "El Nino" I would like you to research El Nino in your book (pages S39 and S49) and then check out the following websites and read about El Nino here: http://www.livescience.com/3650-el-nino.html

and here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Ni%C3%B1o%E2%80%93Southern_Oscillation
Please browse through at least two additional websites related to El Nino.

After you read the webpages on El Nino, please respond to the following questions. Be sure to use your own words, as opposed to copying directly from website
1. Describe what an El Nino is and tell clearly where it occurs
2. People in what part of the world are most affected by El Nino, explain?
3. Clearly describe two important environmental impacts associated with an El Nino in different parts of the world
4. Now take a look at this website http://www.allcountries.org/health/el_nino_and_its_health_impact.html......now explain what is the possible connection between El Nino and an increase in the spread of disease? 



Hi guys, here is the review for the test next week, we still have a few things left to cover. 



THIS IS NOT HOMEWORK, THIS is the in class assignment for Monday :) BRING YOUR BOOKS TO CLASS ON MONDAY 
-please begin by reading page 104, next read page 441, and page 486-490 You will be making a chart that compares the ozone layer (and the hole in the ozone) with the greenhouse layer (and global warming)

1.Please watch the following short video on ozone depletion

2.Now do some research on the Internet, I have included a  few websites that may help you find the information to fill in your chart (your book is also a source for information) 
Please include the following information in your chart
1. where each layer (greenhouse layer vs. ozone layer) is located in the atmosphere
2. what each layer is made up of
3. purpose of each layer to the Earth
4. how each layer is being altered by humans
5. the effects of the changes happening in each layer
6. some solutions to help repair the damage being done
7. the international protocols agreed upon by many nations to tackle these two enormous global environmental issues

Please make sure your chart is detailed and includes as much information as you can find. Be sure it is neat and clear and easy to read. If you need more information, feel free to research each layer using the Internet, you can Google it or YouTube it, there is plenty of information out there.



Please read through pages 440 up through page 441 in your book. You can stop after the section on The Stratosphere. Be sure you know the names of each layer of the atmosphere and the order from the Earths surface. Now answer the following, we may not have time to cover this in class so be sure to know this info!
1. Which layer contains the ozone layer, and by the way, what does ozone really do for the earth, and how does this benefit the planet, in other words, what would Earth be like without the ozone? 
2. Describe how the density of gases would vary in each layer, and tell which layer really has the most molecules .
3. Which region would contain the typical weather that we experience down here close to the surface of the earth?
4. There's an outermost layer not on the diagram in your book, find out what this layer is called and compare it's atmopheric pressure to the atmospheric pressure of the troposphere.
5. Up to the ozone again, hey, how is ozone formed up there in that layer that its in? You can also give the formula.
6. Hey please find out and list the %'s of Nitrogen, oxygen and Carbon dioxide here in the troposphere.
7. Watch the vid below, and please explain the five factors that affect climate



Hello students. please begin by reading or re-reading pages 102-102 and then......
1.Please research the Earth's Atmosphere (or "layers of the earth's atmosphere) and read pages 440-441. Next sketch a diagram showing and naming each of the layers of the atmosphere, show the distances as well, and major things happening in each layer, for the troposphere include the major gases and their percentages found there. There is a diagram in your book as well. (page 440)
please go to google or use your book, and find answers to the following questions. Here is a website that might help a bit with a few of the questions
2.. What causes wind?
3. What causes there to be THREE windbelts in the northern hemisphere?
4. How do ocean and wind currents benefit the planet?....describe AT LEAST THREE ways
5. Where is the Coriolis Effect the most intense and why?
6. Why is the air at 60 degrees north latitude warm air rising? (when it seems kinda cold up there) 



read this, have your parents read this too! And your friends!



Please read pages 100-103 in your book.
After reading, please find the following passages in the assigned reading and do the following for EACH 1) tell what page and paragraph it is 2) tell what the significance or meaning of the passage is within the context of the reading 3) relate this passage to the environment. If you have any questions, ask me :)
#1 "Dust rich in phosphates and iron blows across the Atlantic from the Sahara desert in Africa"
#2 "Increasing numbers of four wheel vehicles speeding over the sand break the desert's surface crust"
#3 "Pollution and dust from rapidly industrializing China and central Asia blow accross the Pacific ocean and degrade air quality over part of the Western United States"
#4 "When we disturb the soil and leave it unprotected, we hasten and intensitfy the natural process"
#5 "Four major factors determine global air circulation patterns. The first factor is the uneven heating of the earth's surface by the sun"
#6 "This creates opposite seasons in the northern and southern hemisphere"



THIS IS THE IN CLASS ASSIGNMENT FOR FRIDAY.....DO THIS IN CLASS :) Take your time and do a great job...try to learn lots from this assignment (Bring books)
Hi Everybody! Read pages 103-107...then answer the following questions:
1. Describe the difference between weather and climate (from page 101) and list three random places that are interesting to you and research each places' climate and describe the climate in 3 sentences or more.
2. Research atmospheric circulation and the Coriolis Effect., describe global wind and ocean currents, and tell what the Coriolis Effect is.
3. Research one specific wind or ocean current (example would be the Gulf stream or the North Atlantic current (ocean) or the Doldrums or Horse latitudes (wind), but you can be creative and pick your own current :) Anyway do a short write up describing the current, how it is formed, where it goes, what is it famous for, and really any other interesting info you can find about it.





here is a copy of the power point for the earth science unit :) print out a copy, using as little paper as possible



Hi Guys and Gals, please look in the back of your book in the "supplement" section. Find pages S43 and S44 and read them. Then answer the following questions
1. Describe how an earthquake actually happens
2. What would be standard protocol for reducing life and property loss from an earthquake?
3. How do Tsunami early warning systems work?
4. What role did coral reefs and mangrove forests play in reducing deaths and damage from the Indonesian Tsunami?
5. Describe the role of certain types of volcanic eruptions in creating a cooling effect on the earth
6. What would be the most important benefit of volcanism?
7. How would a volcanic eruption enhance the process of succession?



Hi Students... please remember your survey permission slip for Ms Infante :) THANKS
Please start by watching the following video clip:
1. Please explain how convection currents in the mantle form plate boundaries in the lithosphere
2. Please check out the following website and please read through the whole thing then answer the following
Please sketch a subduction plate boundary, you can research several sites to help you.
Label everything and color everything, include a section of the mantle in your sketch and show the accurate convection cell that would form a subduction plate boundary.
3. Now do the same for a divergent plate boundary, be sure to show surface features that result
4. Now research one major earthquake and volcanic eruption that has happened within the past 200 years, research the geologic activity that was the cause of the earthquake and volcano, by this I mean do some research to dig deep. Now write up a short description  for each, explain also the damage that was caused in addition to the geology (plate tectonics)



Hi Students here's your homework, we will be going through this info/content fairly quickly so I am counting on you to learn from this homework :)
1. Read pages 336-339 and discuss 5 concepts you learned from the reading....use complete thoughts and complete sentences/detail.
2. Next...head to google and look up Geologic Time Scale....define/describe it in your own words (3-5 sentences)
3. Now head back to google and type in this; "environmental benefits of tsunamis and earthquakes,and volcanos"......read through a few of the more interesting and informative websites and describe your findings in a fat paragraph. In addition please read the following article on this website http://planetsave.com/2012/05/06/earthquake-and-tsunami-good-for-beaches-seawalls-not-so-much/
it doesn't talk about benefits of volcanos, so you will have to look that up separately.



Hi! I have found two great and informative articles for you to read (you are welcome!) Bark Beetles and Ocean Currents
First please click on the link http://www.hcn.org/blogs/goat/the-bark-beetle-feedback-loop and read the article and respond to the following:
1. What are some of the ecosystem functions performed by our forests described in the article?
2. Describe how trees can cool a LOCAL ecosystem.
3. What is the main idea of this article?
and read through this article.
4. What would you say is one of the main assets to the planet of ocean currents?
5. Carefully read paragraphs 5,6 and 7, and tell me, what are the main forces that drive the ocean currents?
6. Generally speaking, what could happen if the ocean currents were to slow down, you can find the info to answer this Q in paragraphs 2 and 3, and paragraphs 14 and 15 (the latter having more detail)



Hello Students please be sure you have read through chapter 2  mainly pages 33-34, 38-47,  your homework tonight is as follows 
1.Please differentiate between fission and fusion.
2. We have done a bit of research on persistent organic pollutants and  you should have a basic understanding of them. on page 40, there are 4 "types of pollutants" given. Which category from these "types of pollutants" would POP's fall under? (answer in a complete sentence :)
3. Now, there are some pollutants that never break down, can you please give me an example of one, use a complete sentence.



Hello Students.
1. A volcano erupts and creates a large cloud of ash and gas that blocks the sunlight from reaching major portions of the earth, this could lead to global cooling. What type of feedback loop is this? Explain why this is so.
2. Please click on the link entitled "An Environmental Tipping point Story", next read the story. In your own words, can you explain this "Tipping point story" (3-4 sentences will suffice)



Hi Students!
Read the above web page please, the whole thing, it's about 1 page.
1. What are some of the chemical properties of persistent organic pollutants?
2. What is bioaccumulation and how do POP's exhibit this phenomenon?
3. Ok, here is a question I honestly don't know the answer to and it is your job to find out the answer, whether it be through research, or asking your favorite chemistry teacher, you can share the answer with other APES students if you know the answer: What is it about halogens and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons that makes them so darn persistent in the environment?
4. Describe at least three ways POP's affect human or animal health





Hey periods 3 and 4, I noticed the homework from Tuesday didn't specify "organic" pollutant so if you did lead or mercury....good job!
Hi students, this homework is more stuff about feedback loops, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGDfafmX6H8
1. read the first paragraph (I realize the vocab is intense in some parts, but you can read it twice or three times like I did to "get" it)
Summarize one or two main concepts from that first paragraph and put that summary in your own words. Really a couple of complex sentences should suffice
2. Go down to the section on Methane and read the "Methane release from hydrates" and the "Methane release from melting permafrost and peat bogs".
Now write out a comparison/contrast type of chart where you compare and contrast the two events.
3.Now read/skim through the ENTIRE article and please pick one event described in the reading and summarize the feed back loop. Ideally it would be cool if we could be able to discuss ALL of them, but hopefully with 30 students in each class we can get all of them covered. So, pick one that you think no one else would cover :)



Hello students, here is the homework
1. Please read page 31 on "Paradigm Shifts". Besides the examples given in the reading, please think of and describe a paradigm shift that has taken place on this planet since people have been around.
2. Now please read about matter quality on page 38, Give me some examples of high vs. low quality matter.
3. Which is easier to extract, high or low quality matter?
4. On to page 40, read about persistence. Now please research one example of a persistent pollutant. In a short paragraph, explain what the chemical pollutant is (you can give its chemical formula), next tell what it is or has been used for, tell the problems its use has caused in the environment, and tell what the solution has been or what the solution could be for getting this chemical out of our environment.



Hi! Please print out the following notes and bring them in.



I would like you to get a head start on Chapter 2 (and other info we are about to learn) so for tonight's homework I would like you to do the following:

1) Read page 28 and  then please describe what happened to Easter Island.
2) Now please read page 33, Lets just say that you eat lots and lots of sugary candy and sweets everyday, but it really doesn't phase you, you feel great. Then in about 10 years, you decide to take charge of your health and STOP eating sweets. So the years pass by and then you turn 50 and all of the sudden you are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, what is the phrase for this that is described in your reading?
3) Now please take this phrase (from #2) and apply it to a real life environmental issue, explain.
4) Well as you know, the sea ice in the North pole is melting a bit due to warming ocean temperatures caused by a warmer atmosphere (global warming) As this ice melts, the water is exposed beneath. It turns out that water absorbs sunlight/heat and ice reflects it. So now with all this bare water exposed in the polar regions, the water is starting to absorb sunlight/heat and warm up even more, which then causes more ice to melt, which then exposes more water. Which of the phenomenon from the reading of page 33 am I referring to?
5) Now please read page 34 again :) Give me a real life example of synergy related to either health effects on the human body or a real life example of synergy related to the environment (organisms, ecosystems etc)
6) Please read page 40......"The solution to pollution is dilution" which concept am I describing from the reading with this ill advised quote?



hi please print out this outline and bring to class :)



HI Guys! here is the test review!
Although there is a "due date" indicated, this review is not actually going to be turned in, it is just a general guideline on what to study for the actual test for what we have covered so far.

-sustainablilty and sustainable societies and strategies for sustainable cities
-developed vs. developing countries; general characteristics of each
-the ways that developing and developed countries contribute to environmental degredation
-renewable vs nonrenewable resources
-tragedy of the commons
-unsustainable resource use
-how poverty drives overpopulation
-poor environmental accounting
-how diet affects footprint
-green building strategies
-benefits of seasonally and locally grown food
-suburban sprawl compared to compact urban living
-external costs in relationship to pollution
-point vs nonpoint pollution
-Know the laws of thermodynamics
-know which areas of the world are going to experience the majority of population growth in the next few decades
--know examples and consequences of humans simpliying and dominating nature
--know the general characteristics of the hunter gatherer period, and the agricultural and industrial revolutions



Hi Homework is to study for the quiz (30 questions), Chapter 1 reading, homework, notes.



Hello everyone please read pages 28, 31-34, 39, 40, 42-47 in your textbook. In addition, I would like you to conduct a bit of internet research on the following terms or phrases and then summarize your findings for each phrase in 2-3 sentences
-benefits of eating seasonally and locally
-benefits to the environment of plant based diets
-compact urban living vs. suburban living
-green building
-passive solar heating
-green roofs
Now, please respond to the following questions to the best of your ability
1. Is the earth a closed or open sysyem for energy?
2. Is the earth a closed or open system for matter?
3. Contrast the agricultural revolution with the industrial revolution
4. Would you ever want to be a hunter-gatherer? Explain.
5. What are the first and second laws of thermodynamics?
6. Describe the concept of synergy as it relates to environmental science, use a specific example in your description



Greetings people! For tonights homework, I would like you to revisit chapter 1 reading, and respond to the following questions.
1) take a look at the diagram on page 9, how would you define natural capital?
2) looking at that same diagram, make a connection between one natural resource and one natural service. For example the natural resource of biodiversity includes forests, and one natural service provided by forests could be climate control. YOU CAN'T USE THIS EXAMPLE :)
3) taking a look at the core case study on page 6, re-read it. How would you describe exponential growth?
4) Read about China and India on page 15, summarize this reading in 2 sentences.
5) from all of this resource consumption comes pollution, look at page 16, what are some basic differences between cleaning up pollution and preventing pollution?
6) looking at page 22, and then reading about environmental world views, which view do you think the president of the US should have to be an effective president?



Hi! Hope your day is going well :)
For tonight's hw I would like you to research examples of sustainable cities, find one that seems interesting to you. In the first paragraph introduce the city, tell me about it, where is it, who lives there, what's the climate like, etc. Also tell what the major businesses are, in other words, what do most people do for a living?
In the second paragraph, explain several of the ways that the city is practicing sustainability, in detail...give actual strategies :)



Hello, for tonights homework please finish reading chapter 1. Then do the following:
1. Please describe what exactly is "pollution"? And please explain point vs nonpoint pollution and give a clear example of each
2. Describe how poverty can lead to overpopulation.
3. What are the "four principles of sustainability"?
4 Research an "environmental accomplishment", in other words, a case study or specific example in which humans have made a positive impact and change relating to an environmental problem. Write up a paragraph (at least 5 sentences) describing the problem and how it was solved. It should be completely in your own words.  (this is so that we can restore our faith in humanity ;)



 Hi Folks! The Eco footprint activity is due on the second block day this week, for some of you that falls on wed, and others this falls on thurs :)



Hola, hope your first few days of schol are going wonderfully. For tonights homework please read up to page 20 of your book. Then go on the internet and research a real life example of "Tragedy of the Commons". Write up a 2 paragraph summary of your findings. Each paragraph should be about 5 sentences minimum. The first paragraph should contain a summary of the situation; the who, why, when, what, where......and in the second paragraph give some pracitcal solutions for managing the commons so that it does not become depleted or destroyed. Be ready to share your findings.



Hello! Please read pages 6-12 in your book then please answer the following questions
Do this homework on a piece of paper that you will eventually turn in (using scratch paper is fine)
1. Describe how human population growth is an example of exponential growth. Why do you think some people consider this alarming?
2. Explain 3 things that could happen or are happening as a result of exponential human population growth.
3. How would you define "sustainability"? 
4. Describe 3 ways humans are affecting our "Natural Capital"? And while your at it, what is natural capitol??
5. What is GDP and what is GDP based on in today's global economy? Does our economy have to function this way, are there other possible economic models that we could adapt?
6. Please tell me three ways developed countries differ from developing countries. Have you been to a developing country? If so what are some of the differences you noticed?
Also please download and bring a copy of the attached notes with you to class tomorrow.



Greetings and welcome to APES!
1. Your first homework assignment will be to find a current event or past event related to the ENVIRONMENT. Write up a 3/4 (that's three-fourths) page summary IN YOUR OWN OWN WORDS. To me, "in your own words" means that you would read the article first and then interpret the content and explain what you learned using your thoughts. The first paragraph should summarize the problem or issue (where, who, what, why and when) and in the second paragraph give some ideas on how to solve this problem. In the third paragraph, give your own commentary/opinion and tell why people should be aware of this issue.
2. Also....finish your note card (name and interesting fact on one side and colored, creative drawing on the other side)
3. cover your book and write your name in it too.
4. Have your folks read and sign the classroom guidelines page I gave you in class today.
5. Get a "notebook" just for this class and this class alone