Walnut High School

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Student Care » Peer Counseling

Peer Counseling

Peer Support is offered by our WHS Peer Counselors who are students who have been trained to listen. They are fellow students who will not tell you how you should feel. They are willing to listen and go through issues with you.
Our WHS Peer Counselors have training in how to talk with students without judging. They understand that confidentiality is the most important part of what they do. Peer Counselors will keep what you say private unless there is a risk of suicide, self injury, child abuse, or a danger that you will hurt someone else.

Peer Counseling is not a club and represents a diverse group of WHS students. In fact, most Peer Counselors do not know each other when the year begins. This group of students only exists to support their fellow students during difficult times.

Like any time we ask for help, the first conversation is the hardest. Reach out if you need to talk. You can stop a Peer Counselor in the hall, ask a teacher or GLC for a referral, or stop by Room E-19 if you would like to talk.
You may also use the WHS "Need Emotional Support?" Link.  Please use this to reach out.  It is a private way to request to speak to a counselor on campus or a WHS PC.  Please CLICK HERE to access this link.