Caring for your student can be challenging. Walnut High School is a community of professionals, students, and their families working toward raising active and inquisitive learners. The social and academic demands of a large high school like ours can be difficult to navigate. Your student's emotional and academic well being are equally important to the staff at Walnut High and are both integral parts of a successful high school experience.
If you have any questions about your child, please reach out to any of their teachers or GLC. We would be happy to answer your questions. Keeping students safe and balanced requires cooperation and good home-school communication.
If you have a question about your child's academic progress or peer group issues, please call or send an email. If you are concerned about their safety and are afraid that they might be experiencing severe depression, anxiety, and/or thoughts of suicide call and speak to a professional - do not leave a message. If your student is at school, call and speak to the operator so that we may connect you directly to a faculty member and locate your child. If you are at home and experience an emergency, contact your family physician, go to urgent or emergency care centers, or call 911.
Below are a few resources regarding several of the more challenging issues facing our students. Also, under Student Care you may find a series of resources that we have provided for your student.
Additional resources regarding your students social and emotional well-being can be found at:
National Association of School Psychologists: Resources for Families