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Hi, for tonight's homework please read pages 161-170, then answer the following questions.  (due second block)
1. Explain how sea otters are a keystone species
2. What is population ecology
3. What are the three main ways populations are distributed in nature?
4. Can you give an example for each distribution pattern please.
5. What's the formula for population change?
6. What is biotic potential?
7. Who has a greater biotic potential, a fly or an elephant, and give the characteristics of each organism, that make it's biotic potential high or low
8. What prevents a species or population with a high (r) from overtaking the world?
9. When environmental pressures push down on a population and prevent it from taking over the world, what do we call this according to your book?
10. By the way, can you give some real life examples of environmental pressures that would prevent a population from taking over the world?
11. Together, two factors determine the carrying capacity of a habitat, what are those two factors?
12. What is exponential growth as it relates to populations?
13. What is logistic growth?
14. What is a population "dieback" and how could something like this happen in nature?



Hi please print out and bring in the attached topic outline by the second block, no outline will result in a loss of 2 points



I would like you to research an invasive species.....you can do a bit of research and then find a species/situation that is of interest to you.  

Special note* Invasive species can also be called; exotic, introduced, non-native
Invasive species can; degrade habitats, reduce biodiversity, introduce disease
Invasive species can be introduced; accidentally, intentionally, or naturally
Islands are particularly sensitive to invasives so hopefully some of you will research examples of invasives to Island nations

I would like you to find out the following info about your species.
1. name of species
2. where species originates from
3. where species was introduced to
4. how did species get into new ecosystem
5. problems invasive species is causing to new ecosystem (BE SPECIFIC)
6. one species that is native that is being threatened because of the invasive species (EXPLAIN)
7. some solutions for solving this problem
You can do this in bullet point format, but be detailed about it.
next do the attached FRQ on Zebra mussels, be sure all of your answers are detailed and original, no points will be awarded for plagiarized answers
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study guide unit 2 test



Hi you will need to print out copies of both of the following outlines they are addendums to Unit 2 topic outlines. Go ahead and bring them to class so you have them when we cover the material.



Hi Folks please bring the attached topic outline to class with you today!



biodiversity lab write up directions



Hi please print out and bring in a copy of the "Ecosystem Services" Topic outline attached below. 



HI This is your in class assignment for Monday! You will complete this in class, you can use your notes. Do both frq's



Read the following attached article by Vandana Shiva, then in one strong paragraph and in your own words, summarize this article. 
Next, tell two things that you read in the article that really surprised you or made you think. 
Next, as you read thru the article, describe at least two concepts that you didn't quite understand what she meant.....and write them down. 
Next, answer the second question on the article at the end, the best that you can from the knowledge that you have
be prepared for class discussion with Mr. Chi
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Hi Please bring topic outline 2.1 (attached) and all of your hw from last week as well as the biozone on ecosystem dynamics



Hi Folks, please click on the link below and read through the entire information. Then respond to the following questions, use only your own words, paraphrase everything (except #1) and give examples and evidence and complete sentences.
1. What are the three types of biodiversity?
2. Explain each of the three types of biodiversity
3. What are three threats to biodiversity?
4. Why is biodiversity important? Provide evidence from the information on the website
5. What are ecologists doing to better understand biodiversity?



Hi Students! Your homework for tonight involves doing some research. Please go online and research "Biodiversity in Ecosystems". You can also try the following terms and phrases as well: biodiversity, monoculture, diverse ecosystems vs. sparse ecosystems, ecosystem diversity etc.
After you check out several websites and read through the information on those websites, list (in bullet point form) FIVE fully formed concepts that relate to this topic (biodiversity in ecosystems)



Please see attached directions for GPP/NPP lab write up, this will be due monday 10/14



Hello, your hw for tonight is easy! Simply read pages 64-67 all about primary productivity
AND print out topic outline below and bring to class!



Hi Folks please print out the primary productivity topic outline and bring it to class with you :) Periods 2, 5, and 6 you can bring the topic outline on Thursday



Hi Folks, Looks like the test for Aquatic Ecosystems and Biogeochemical Cycles will be on Monday 9/30 (there is a slight chance it will be postponed until Tuesday, but be prepared for it on Monday) 
Here are the topics that will be on the test (this is your study guide)
1. know the process of Eutrophication, what causes it and exactly what happens
2. know all of the steps of the nitrogen cycle and what happens in each step (nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, ammonification, denitrification)
3. know the phosphorus cycle and know why it can often be a limiting factor in ecosystems
4. know the processes that put carbon into and out of the earths atmosphere
5. know the role of fossil fuels in increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
6. know the process of nitrogen fixation and which organisms have a big role in this process
7. know which elements in the biogeo cycles have gaseous components and which do not
8. know how urbanization and cement/asphalt impact the water cycle
9. know the major sources and sinks for the carbon cycle
10. know the % of air that contains nitrogen
11. know the human impacts on the phosphorus cycle
12. know the difference between a fresh water and a marine biomes
13. know the following: turbidity, acidity, dissolved oxygen, salinity
14. know the characteristics of the following biomes : open ocean, lakes, coral reefs, intertidal zones, rivers, estuaries
15. know the relative distribution of salt and fresh water on planet earth
16. know the role of phytoplankton in aquatic biomes
17. know the zones of the ocean and how dissolved oxygen and light and nutrients change with each layer
18. know the layers of a lake



You will be getting a packet on Friday, with biozone worksheets for all of the biogeochemical cycles, please complete this packet by Tuesday. 



As you may know by now, the biogeochemical cycles describe the movement of certain elements through earths atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere. Because these elements cycle through the ecosystems, they can be used over and over again by new generations of organisms. Each biogeochemical cycle has different pathways and various reservoirs or "sinks" (storehouses) where these elements may reside for days or millions of years.
Please read pages 70-78 in your textbook and watch the animation below for each cycle then answer the following questions
Then please print out the topic outline for biogeochemical cycles




  1.  Describe a biological process in which carbon is removed from the atmosphere and converted into organic molecules.
  2.  Describe a biological process in which carbon is converted from organic molecules to a gas and returned to the atmosphere
  3.  Explain how atmospheric carbon is incorporated into two ocean sinks
  4. Identify one terrestrial sink, other than fossil fuels, that stores carbon for thousands to millions of years
  5. The burning of fossil fuels has been shown to increase atmospheric carbon, what are TWO other HUMAN activities that increase the concentration of Carbon in the atmosphere?
  6. Identify an environmental problem that results from elevated atmospheric carbon concentrations, DISCUSS one consequence of the problem you identified.
  7. Describe one major way that the phosphorus cycle differs from the carbon cycle.
  8. Identify one reason that phosphorus is necessary for organisms.
  9. What is one way that humans influence the sulfur cycle?





please go to the following website, first read about estuaries and then watch the video :) Then write up a paragraph explaining what an estuary is and why estuaries are important, https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/estuary.html



Hi Students, for tonight's homework, please use your book to help you respond to the following questions. Our current homework is related to aquatic ecosystems
1.What are the different layers of the ocean and how does photosynthesis, and dissolved oxygen change with each layer
2. What are estuaries? and what are mangrove forests?
3. Please watch the following video on Shrimp farming in Bangledesh......then summarize, the content of the video. Then explain one thing you learned in the beginning of the video, one thing you learned from the middle, and one thing you learned at the end.......not facts but concepts. (Complete thoughts)
4. From your reading of Ch 6, what are the layers in a lake? For each layer of a lake, tell what the corresponding ocean layer would be. 
5. What is the difference between a eutrophic and an oligotrophic lake?
6. What is a watershed?
7. After reading the case study on page 140, Explain the damage that dams and levees can have on wetlands and places like New Orleans



  • This is due Wed, for period 3, and this will be due Thursday for periods 2, 5 and 6
  • Please also print out the Aquatic biomes outline and bring to class
  • Students, please read chapter 6 on Aquatic biomes...this will be a quick chapter so please do the reading to maximize your understanding of the material :) For the homework please then do a bit of research on Coral reefs.
  • Explain what coral reefs are.
  • Then explain the important functions of coral reefs to the planet Earth.
  • Next describe the different ways that coral reefs are being threatened.
  • Include a discussion on some of the longterm consequencesssss of the destruction of coral reefs.
  • Now please do the following free response WITHOUT looking up the answers
  • then look up the answers and correct it.
  • I need to see EVIDENCE of you correcting your responses after you attempted the question, so quite honestly for the most part, in general, if their is no evidence of correction, I must assume you are either really smart or you just copied the answers:)
  • PLEASE ONLY DO #2 ON CORAL REEFS (2011) Practicing free responses is a great way to prepare for the AP test!



For this assignment you will continue to answer questions about biomes,
see chapter 5 for reference and you can always use the Internet to find answers
1. How do the various herbivore species in the Savanna ecosystem
reduce competition when it comes to eating?
2. In the tropical rain forest, there are 5 "layers" that describe differences in vegetation, can you please tell me a bit about the "top" layer and the "bottom" layer?
3. Compare/contrast the soil in the tropical rainforest with the soil in the
temperate deciduous forest.
4. Which biome would one find "conifers" in?
5.Read the case study on page 364 "OIL AND ANWR" and do some research on the ARCTIC WILDLIFE REFUGE....What is it, where is it? What characteristics of the tundra make this biome especially sensitive to human interference? What types of human activities would be taking place if we were to open this place up to drilling for oil? What do we use oil for anyway? What types of actions can we humans take to reduce our use of petroleum (aka oil) products?
6. Research the BARK BEETLE by reading the following article
give me two interesting facts from the article about what is happening to our
nations forests. 



HI Students here is a list of topics to help you study for the test on Tuesday :)
1. know the locations of all biomes on a world map
2. know the different types of flora and fauna and food webs for the major biomes (generally)
3. know the different types of symbiotic relationships as well as intra and inter specific competition. 
4. know resource partitioning, as well as range of tolerance, biotic and abiotic components of an ecosystem
5. study all of your biozones
6. know population, community, ecosystem and biosphere
7. know how overgrazing can impact grassland biomes
8. know how a diverse grassland differs from a monoculture
9. know the general line of latitude for deserts, tropical rain forest and taiga, as well as grassland
10. know how fire impacts fire adapted ecosystems/biomes
11. know the adaptations of desert plants and animals
12. know why the deserts can get very cold at night
13. know the rain shadow effect
14. know the general climatographs for each biome
15. know the honey bee situation
16. know the general food webs for each biome
17. know the general soil quality for each biome
18. know the situation in the Arctic National Wildlife refuge (see homework)
19. know the general definition of a biome and what factors create different biomes (temperature etc)
20. know the different names of the biomes
21. know generally, how climate change is impacting biome distribution and biomes in general
22. know which air masses are responsible for each biome (generally) i.e. cold air sinking creates a desert



Hi! for tonight's homework, you will continue to answer questions about biomes, see chapter 5 for reference and you can always use the Internet to find answers.

Back to chapter 5, revisit pages 114 up to page 124. Then please answer the following questions.
1. What is the biome type that would most likely be found at the top of a tall mountain?
2. What are two adaptations of tropical rain forest plants?
3. Give a few general characteristics of tropical rainforests.
4. Why are the desert biome and the tundra biome particularly sensitive to human destruction?
5.  Describe lichen and tell which biomes it would be found in.
6.  What are some of the conditions that plants in the Arctic tundra have to deal with?
7. In between which two biomes can a grassland generally be found?
8. What is another name for a Chaparral biome?
9. How does fire affect the Chaparral biome?



Hi Students please peruse through pages 105-124 in your text,  You will need the info in these pages to answer the following questions

1. Well we know the tropical rainforest has the most density of species of any biome in the world, first of all, what drives this incredible speciation there? Also, relating still to this biome, the most popular form of deforestation there is slash and burn, why do you think this method of deforestation is so popular there? Feel free to conduct additional research to back up or provide evidence for your response.

2. Well, slash and burn deforestation is good for planting crops for a season or two, but then it really becomes unsustainable, what characteristics of the rainforest make this such an unsustainable method of farming, explain.

3.Thinking back to when we learned about what ecosystem services are, If you are trying to convince a poor farmer in the amazon why he should not practice slash and burn deforestation, explain what services are provided by the rainforest that indeed benefit the whole planet and the local area.

4. There is a mammal that lives in the tropics (and other biomes as well) that has been given a really bad rap (as a matter of fact this mammal's popularity spikes right around the end of October each year) please convince me why I should re-think my disdain for this mammal, still keeping in mind the concept of ecosystem services.

5. Well, grasslands as we know, are where the buffalo roam, and well, some other especially popular domesticated animals now roam there too, hey as an expert ecologist, tell me why I should think twice about consuming this "other popular domestic animal".

6. This biome is also called the CONE-iferous forest ( I know I spelled it wrong) and it is for-real, what is it called?

7. Of all the abiotic factors that influence the types and adaptations of plants and animals in a biome, what do you think would be number one, light or amount of rainfall? Defend your position with researchable facts.



Greetings, today we will start the reading for learning about biomes We are going to tackle a couple of biomes at a time so please read through pages 105-114. Then please respond to the following questions
1. Please define biome.
2. How does climate (average temperature and precipitation of a region) relate to biome?
3. Really what is it that defines a desert most? 
4. Why is it that deserts can be so hot during the day and yet so cold at night? (page 108)
5. Can you please describe three adaptations of desert plants....
6. What are a few adaptations of desert animals?
7. Differentiate between tropical and temperate grasslands.....include the following in your response, where each is located, a unique bit of information about each biome, the temperature and precipitation of each, which type of grassland has the best, most rich soil and why?
8.  How does fire benefit a grassland ecosystem (google this if need be)
9. What are two major ways humans are negatively impacting the grassland biome? (can be found on pages 123/124 also)
10. What is "offroading" and why is it particularly destructive in a desert ecosystem?
okay your done for now :)
please put a lot of effort and thought into your responses
and print out the "terrestrial biomes outline"



Hi Folks! Please read chapter 7 on Community Ecology and do the biozone ws "Species Interactions in Communities" given to you in class 



Hello all, for the homework please read and comprehend the following pages in your book: pages 50 to 60. Then please respond to the following questions. Also, please print our a copy of the The Living World Ecosystems outline topic 1.1 and bring it to class 
1. Can you please define ecology in your own words.
2. Please put the following in the correct order from the most specific to the most general:
-organism, ecosystem, biosphere, population, community
3. What are some of the important functions that bacteria have on this Earth?
4. Why is the recycling of matter an important part of what sustains life on earth?
5. Looking at the section on page 54 called What Happens to Solar Energy...." how much of the suns energy that reaches the earth plays a part in photosynthesis?
6. In the following phrase, identify both the biotic and abiotic factors " Low phosphorus (a nutrient) content in soil limits the growth of vegetation"
7. What are limiting factors? What would be one important limiting factor for a farmer who was planting corn? What would be the main limiting factor in the desert? 
8. Chose any biome or ecosystem and name it, then tell one likely limiting factor specific to that biome.
9. Where would you find the process of chemosynthesis taking place?

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Greetings and welcome to APES!
1. Your first homework assignment will be to find a current event or past event related to the ENVIRONMENT. Write up a 3/4 (that's three-fourths) page summary IN YOUR OWN OWN WORDS. To me, "in your own words" means that you would read the article first and then interpret the content and explain what you learned using your thoughts. The first paragraph should summarize the problem or issue (where, who, what, why and when) and in the second paragraph give some ideas on how to solve this problem. In the third paragraph, give your own commentary/opinion and tell why people should be aware of this issue.
2. Also....finish your note card (name and interesting fact on one side and colored, creative drawing on the other side)
3. cover your book and write your name in it too.
4. Have your folks read and sign the classroom guidelines page I gave you in class today.
5. Get a "notebook" just for this class and this class alone