Welcome to the WALNUT HIGH SCHOOL Summer School Page.
Information regarding WHS Summer School 2025 including course request form and summer calendar will be posted soon.
Students who did not receive confirmation of intended class you may arrive to WHS campus on the first day of summer school (6/10, 7:15, @the MPR) and join the in-person lottery for remaining seats in available classes. Lottery will begin after attendance has been taken in all classes.
Summer Session Dates for 2024: (Classes are held Monday - Thursday unless otherwise noted)
- June 10th, 2024 - July 18th, 2024 (6 Weeks)
- First semester June 10th - June 28th
- Second Semester July 1st - July 18th
- June 19th is an observed holiday, Juneteenth
- Classes this week will be held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
- 4th of July is an observed holiday
- Week of 4th of July classes will be held for 3 days: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (No class Thursday or Friday).
- 1 week after 4th of July will be a 5 day school week Monday - Friday
- Week of 7/1: Classes Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday (No Class Thursday & Friday)
- Week of 7/8: Classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
- Week of 7/15: Classes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
- School hours: 7:30am to 1:30pm
Walnut High School Summer School Programs!
Summer school at Walnut High School is comprised of three separate programs, each of which has its guidelines and requirements. Programs offered are WVUSD, Mt. SAC (High School courses taught exclusively on Walnut HS campus funded by Mt. SAC), and Dedicated 2 Learning.
A total of 15 credits is the maximum amount of credits that can be earned in 1 summer
The WVUSD program is designed to meet the basic graduation requirements like English or History and support students with Individual Education Plans. This program is free of charge and the only program run exclusively by WHS and WVUSD. Students in need of making up a course must meet with their GLC as enrollment in most of these courses will be by GLC approval only.
The Mt. SAC program is funded by Mt. SAC and taught exclusively on our campus. All classes are high school classes and A-G approved. This program allows students to accelerate or make up classes. This program is free of charge. Students will have the opportunity to apply for a lottery for a class they are interested in through the application that will be posted on this page.
The Dedicated to Learning (D2L) program is a tuition-based program run by an independent company on our campus. This program is designed for students interested in supplementing their traditional school year with additional coursework. D2L is a fully accredited program running courses to provide area students with opportunities for learning and advancement.
For more information, please visit their website at www.dedicated2learning.org
Summer programs are voluntary. As these programs are not mandatory, attendance rules and behavioral expectations are strictly enforced and any attendance issues or behavior/discipline issues will not be tolerated. Students who experience difficulties in these areas will be dropped from the summer program and no credits will be earned.
The following is a list of TENTATIVE courses. Course offerings may change due to a variety of circumstances. Courses will only be offered if there are enough students interested in taking the course. Courses that do not have enough interest will be canceled. Courses potentially offered:
- World History - CLASS of 2029 ONLY
- (Grad. requirement & meets CSU/UC History requirement)
- US History - CLASS of 2027 ONLY
- (Grad. requirement & meets CSU/UC History requirement)
- Civics & Economics [Must take both] - CLASS of 2026 ONLY
- (Grad. requirement & meets CSU/UC History requirement)
- Music Appreciation (Meets CSU/UC VPA requirement)
- Industrial Design (Meets CSU/UC VPA requirement)
- Biology (Meets Grad. & CSU/UC science requirement)
- Environmental Science (Meets Grad. & CSU/UC science requirement)
- (Students must have previously attempted Algebra 1 and earned a D or an F on their high school transcript)
- Geometry (Meets Grad. & CSU/UC math requirement)
- Algebra 2 (Meets Grad. & CSU/UC math requirement)
- Health (Meets Grad. requirement. 3 weeks only. On campus course)
- Ethnic Studies (MEETS GRAD. REQUIREMENT FOR CLASS OF 2029. 3 weeks only. On campus course)
If you have questions regarding the Dedicated to Learning program and their courses designed for acceleration and enrichment, please visit their website at